A PUNK song about Gentrification. High Quality Download Now Available for $1 for A Limited Time @ https://marzrocket.bandcamp.com/releases
The Story behind the song...
The initial inspiration behind this song is the rapid changing of the landscape here in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've never seen cities change so fast... there are SO MANY new properties being built to satisfy the demand for living here. The cost of living has risen to the point that the Bay Area is one of the most expensive places to live in the World!!! Most of this is because of the Tech Industry. Extremely high rent has forced many people to move (musicians and artists are among the most affected) and many of the businesses we have loved forced to close because of raised leases.

I started writing this a few days before the Paradise Wildfire erupted resulting in one the most deadly and devastating Wildfires in US history. Here in the East Bay we were fortunate not to experience the destruction and loss that hit Paradise, but we did have to stay inside or wear masks because the smoke was so bad. I've never seen anything like it! I was already feeling anger and frustration over the economic gentrification but the smoke just added more fuel when creating this song.

At first I didn't notice a connection with the Wildfires and my song Daylight Robbery, but then posts started surfacing about conspiracy theories along with pictures like these, showing Energy Weapons many believe to have intentionally started the fires and pics of a proposed railway system in the exact location;

The possible motive is to take over the land, buy the damaged houses and rebuild. The land grab conspiracy made me realize that my song "Daylight Robbery" does relate to this...and it's crazy that by complete coincidence I wrote the words "In A Fools Paradise" for the chorus originally thinking it was about this new gentrified place we're living in. It felt good to "blow off some steam" and put my frustration into something constructive. Music has always been my medicine and for that I'm forever grateful!